Welcome to the divine ranks of the Adepta Sororitas! In this comprehensive guide, we explore the various Adepta Sororitas detachments available in the 10th Edition, each bringing its unique blend of faith and fury to the battlefield.
Before diving in, it’s important to note: to fully leverage the power of these detachments, you’ll need a copy of the Codex: Adepta Sororitas 10th Edition. This codex is your essential guide to understanding the sacred strategies and holy tactics of the Sisters of Battle.

At the core of the Codex lies its detachment system, offering four distinct detachments, each with its own special characteristics and strategic advantages.
Whether you prefer the relentless zeal of the Penitent Host, the fiery retribution of the Bringers of Flame, the unwavering faith of the Army of Faith, or the tactical prowess of the Vows of Atonement, there’s a detachment to suit every Canoness’s leadership style and tactical approach.
But the Codex is more than just a compilation of rules and stratagems; it’s a gateway to the rich and devout world of the Adepta Sororitas. Immerse yourself in the lore sections to discover the intricate hierarchy of the Sisterhood, the various orders and their sacred missions, and the legendary battles that have forged their path of righteousness.
And let’s not overlook the breathtaking artwork that graces each page, vividly bringing to life the pious and powerful nature of the Adepta Sororitas.
From grand battle scenes to detailed portrayals of iconic Sisters and their wargear, every illustration is a testament to the devout dedication and fierce spirit of the Sisterhood.
Whether you’re a veteran Canoness with a history of crusades or a new recruit eager to prove your faith, there’s a detachment in the Codex: Adepta Sororitas 10th Edition that aligns with your devotion and combat prowess.
Let’s arm ourselves with faith and see what they have to offer now!
No. | Detachment Name | Summary |
1. | Hallowed Martyrs | Enhances resilience and offensive power with improved Hit and Wound rolls, resurrection abilities, and potent Stratagems, making it ideal for maintaining combat effectiveness under pressure. |
2. | Penitent Host | Enhances PENITENT units with increased mobility, improved melee capabilities, and resilience. It’s ideal for aggressive players who want dynamic frontline combat and units that can endure and retaliate fiercely, ensuring a formidable battlefield presence. |
3. | Bringers of Flame | Boosts Adepta Sororitas firepower with enhanced ranged attacks and [ASSAULT] abilities, while key stratagems that improve objective control and counter-attacks. Ideal for aggressive players, this detachment offers versatility, potent offense, and strategic resilience. |
4. | Army of Faith | Perfect for players who want to maximize the power of Acts of Faith, offering enhanced flexibility, resilience, and strategic advantages in both offense and defense. This detachment ensures a dynamic and adaptable playstyle, making your forces steadfast and formidable through divine blessings. |
Hallowed Martyrs
This Adepta Sororitas detachment brings a potent mix of resilience and offensive capabilities to the battlefield. Key benefits include enhanced Hit and Wound rolls for units below their Starting Strength, and the ability to resurrect crucial characters and vehicles, ensuring sustained pressure on the enemy. Stratagems like allowing destroyed units to fight back or shoot back before removal amplify the army’s durability and counter-attack potential.

Enhancements that boost melee weapon stats and grant additional Miracle dice on destruction add layers of tactical depth. Canoness and Palatine models gain significant survivability with the Damage reduction trait. This detachment is ideal for players who value a balance of offense and defense, making their units harder to kill while maintaining strong retaliatory options. Its strength lies in sustaining combat effectiveness even under heavy enemy fire.
Hallowed Martyrs Detachment Rule: The Blood of Martyrs
Whenever an ADEPTA SORORITAS model from your army launches an attack, increase the Hit roll by 1 if the unit is below its Starting Strength. Additionally, increase the Wound roll by 1 if the unit is Below Half-strength.
Stratagems available for the Hallowed Martyrs Detachment:
- Divine Intervention (1CP) – Epic Deed Stratagem: During any phase, you can use this Stratagem on a destroyed ADEPTA SORORITAS CHARACTER unit from your army. Discard 1-3 Miracle dice and at the end of the phase, revive the last destroyed model from that unit, placing it as close as possible to its original position, outside Engagement Range of enemy models. Roll a D3, adding 1 for each Miracle dice discarded. The model returns with that many wounds, up to its starting number. This Stratagem cannot be used on SAINT CELESTINE and cannot target the same CHARACTER more than once per battle.
- Suffering and Sacrifice (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: At the start of the Fight phase, select one ADEPTA SORORITAS INFANTRY or ADEPTA SORORITAS WALKER unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, every time an enemy model within Engagement Range of your unit chooses its targets, it must target your unit with its attacks.
- Righteous Vengeance (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During the Fight phase, choose one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army that hasn’t been selected to fight yet. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, you can re-roll the Hit roll. If the unit is Below Half-strength, you can also re-roll the Wound roll.
- Sanctified Immolation (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During any phase, when an ADEPTA SORORITAS VEHICLE model with the Deadly Demise ability from your army is destroyed, you can use this Stratagem on that model. Instead of rolling a D6 to determine if mortal wounds are inflicted by its Deadly Demise ability, mortal wounds are inflicted automatically.
- Spirit of the Martyr (2CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During the Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets, choose one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army that has been targeted. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit is destroyed, if it has not yet fought this phase, it can still fight after the attacking unit has completed its attacks, and is then removed from play.
- Praise the Fallen (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an enemy unit has finished shooting, choose one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army that had one or more models destroyed by the attack. Your unit can then shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, but it must target only the enemy unit that attacked, and only if that enemy unit is an eligible target.
Hallowed Martyrs Enhancements:
- Saintly Example (+10 points): ADEPTA SORORITAS model only: When the bearer is destroyed, you gain an extra D3 Miracle dice.
- Through Suffering, Strength (+25 points): ADEPTA SORORITAS model only: Add 1 to the Attacks, Strength, and Damage characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons. If the bearer has lost one or more wounds, increase the Attacks, Strength, and Damage characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons by 2 instead.
- Chaplet of Sacrifice (+25 points): ADEPTA SORORITAS model only: At the end of your Command phase, if the bearer is on the battlefield, you can re-roll 1 Miracle dice from your pool and return it with the new result. If the bearer’s unit is below its Starting Strength, you can re-roll up to 3 Miracle dice instead.
- Mantle of Ophelia (+20 points): CANONESS or PALATINE model only: Whenever an attack is allocated to the bearer, modify the Damage characteristic of that attack to 1.
Penitent Host
The Penitent Host detachment offers a unique blend of resilience, mobility, and relentless aggression, making it an excellent choice for Adepta Sororitas players who prefer an aggressive playstyle. This detachment enhances the effectiveness of PENITENT units, providing them with critical boosts such as increased movement, additional attacks and strength in melee, and the ability to fight even after being destroyed.

These units also gain strategic advantages like maintaining control over objectives even when wiped out and benefiting from Feel No Pain and invulnerable saves. The Penitent Host is ideal for players who enjoy dynamic, frontline combat with units that can endure and retaliate fiercely. This detachment ensures your PENITENT units remain a formidable presence on the battlefield, capable of turning the tide of battle through sheer determination and divine zeal.
Penitent Host Detachment Rule: Desperate for Redemption
At the start of the battle round, choose one of the following Vows of Atonement to be active for your army until the next battle round. Each Vow can only be selected once per battle.
- The Path of the Penitent: Add 3″ to the Move characteristic of PENITENT models from your army.
- Absolution in Battle: Each time a unit from your army fights, if it made a Charge move this turn, add 1 to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of melee weapons equipped by PENITENT models in that unit until the end of the phase.
- Death Before Disgrace: Each time a PENITENT model from your army is destroyed by a melee attack, if it has not yet fought this phase, roll a D6. On a 2+, it can fight after the attacking unit finishes its attacks, and is then removed from play.
Stratagems available for the Penitent Host Detachment:
- Final Redemption (1CP) – Epic Deed Stratagem: In any phase, if a PENITENT unit from your army is destroyed while within range of an objective marker you controlled, you can use this Stratagem on that unit. The objective marker remains under your control until your opponent controls it at the start or end of any turn, even if you have no models within range.
- Purity of Suffering (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets, choose one PENITENT unit from your army that has been targeted. Until the end of the phase, PENITENT models in that unit gain the Feel No Pain 4+ ability.
- Passion of the Penitent (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During the Fight phase, select one PENITENT unit from your army that has not yet been chosen to fight. Until the end of the phase, each time a PENITENT model in that unit makes a melee attack, an unmodified Hit roll of 5+ scores a Critical Hit.
- Lash of Guilt (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Movement phase, just before a PENITENT unit from your army Advances, you can use this Stratagem. Until the end of the turn, that unit can declare a charge even if it Advanced. If the unit has the PENITENT ENGINES keyword, do not roll for the Advance; instead, add 6″ to the Move characteristic of models in that unit until the end of the phase.
- Boundless Zeal (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Movement phase, just after an ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army Falls Back, you can use this Stratagem. Until the end of the turn, that unit can shoot or declare a charge even though it Fell Back. If the unit has the PENITENT keyword, it can both shoot and declare a charge in the same turn it Fell Back.
- Devout Fanaticism (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets, you can use this Stratagem. Choose one PENITENT unit from your army that has been targeted. Roll one D6; your unit can move a distance in inches up to the result, ending the move as close as possible to the nearest enemy unit (excluding AIRCRAFT). Models in your unit can move within Engagement Range of enemy units during this move.
Penitent Host Enhancements:
- Psalm of Righteous Judgement (+30 points): ADEPTA SORORITAS model only: While the bearer is on the battlefield, whenever an enemy unit is destroyed by a PENITENT unit from your army, you can discard 1 Miracle dice to gain 1 Miracle dice with a value of 6.
- Verse of Holy Piety (+15 points): PENITENT model only: Once per battle, at the start of a battle round, choose one Vow of Atonement. Until the next battle round, this chosen Vow is active for the bearer’s unit in addition to the one active for your army, even if that Vow has already been selected this battle.
- Refrain of Enduring Faith (+25 points): PENITENT model only: When the bearer is leading a unit, the models in that unit gain a 5+ invulnerable save.
- Catechism of Divine Penitence (+20 points): CANONESS, PALATINE, or MINISTORUM PRIEST model only: The bearer gains the PENITENT keyword and can be attached to a REPENTIA SQUAD unit during the Declare Battle Formations step.
Bringers of Flame
The Bringers of Flame detachment is an exceptional choice for Adepta Sororitas commanders seeking to dominate the battlefield with a combination of powerful ranged attacks and relentless close-quarters combat. This detachment enhances your army’s firepower, granting ranged weapons the [ASSAULT] ability and boosting their Strength when targeting nearby enemies.

Key stratagems allow your units to maintain control over objectives, counter-attack effectively, and maximize the potential of disembarked units. Enhancements further increase the lethality and durability of your forces, making this detachment perfect for aggressive players who want to maintain a versatile and potent offensive presence. The Bringers of Flame detachment ensures your army can adapt to various battlefield scenarios, delivering devastating blows to the enemy while maintaining strategic flexibility and resilience.
Bringers of Flame Detachment Rule: Fervent Purgation
Ranged weapons equipped by ADEPTA SORORITAS models from your army gain the [ASSAULT] ability. Additionally, each time an attack with one of these weapons targets a unit within 12″, add 1 to the Strength characteristic of that attack.
Stratagems available for the Bringers of Flame Detachment:
- Shield of Aversion (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase or Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets, choose one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army that has been targeted. Until the end of the phase, each time an attack targets your unit, reduce the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
- Righteous Blows (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During the Fight phase, choose one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army that has not yet been selected to fight. Until the end of the phase, melee weapons equipped by models in that unit gain the [LETHAL HITS] ability. If one or more enemy models are destroyed by those weapons this phase, select one of the destroyed models, and its unit must take a Battle-shock test.
- Carry Forth The Faithful (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Movement phase, just before an ADEPTA SORORITAS TRANSPORT model from your army Advances, you can use this Stratagem. Until the end of the turn, you can re-roll Advance rolls made for that TRANSPORT, and units can disembark from it even though it Advanced. Units that disembark this way count as having made a Normal move and cannot declare a charge this turn.
- Cleansing Flames (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During the Shooting phase, select one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army that has not yet been selected to shoot. Until the end of the phase, Torrent weapons equipped by models in that unit gain the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability.
- Rites of Fire (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, select one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army that disembarked from a TRANSPORT this turn and has not yet been selected to shoot. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack targeting an enemy unit within 12″ that is also within range of an objective marker, add 1 to the Wound roll. If one or more enemy models are destroyed by those attacks, select one of the destroyed models, and its unit must take a Battle-shock test.
- Blazing Ire (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an enemy unit has finished shooting, select one ADEPTA SORORITAS TRANSPORT unit from your army that was targeted by the attack. One unit embarked within that TRANSPORT can disembark as if it were your Movement phase and then shoot as if it were your Shooting phase. This unit must target only the enemy unit that attacked and can only do so if that enemy unit is an eligible target.
Bringers of Flame Enhancements:
- Righteous Rage (+10 points): ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. Each time the bearer is selected to fight, you may discard up to 3 Miracle dice. For each Miracle dice discarded, add 1 to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons until the end of the phase.
- Manual of Saint Griselda (+15 points): ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. At the start of your Command phase, you can discard up to 2 Miracle dice. Then, add one Miracle dice to your pool with a value equal to the sum of the discarded dice, up to a maximum of 6.
- Fire and Fury (+20 points): ADEPTA SORORITAS model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of Torrent weapons equipped by models in that unit. Additionally, all other ranged weapons equipped by models in that unit gain the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.
- Iron Surplice of Saint Istalela (+5 points): CANONESS or PALATINE model only. The bearer gains a Save characteristic of 2+ and the Feel No Pain 5+ ability.
Army of Faith
The Army of Faith detachment is a formidable choice for Adepta Sororitas commanders who seek to maximize the power of their Acts of Faith and leverage the divine blessings of the Emperor. This detachment allows for greater flexibility and potency in performing Acts of Faith, enabling units to perform multiple Acts per phase and enhancing the effectiveness of their abilities.

Strategically, this detachment excels in both offensive and defensive maneuvers, offering powerful stratagems that can turn the tide of battle, such as improving Armour Penetration, granting Feel No Pain, and manipulating battlefield positions.
The enhancements available within this detachment further bolster the resilience and lethality of key units, making it ideal for players who enjoy a dynamic and adaptable playstyle. The Army of Faith detachment ensures that your forces remain steadfast and formidable, harnessing the power of faith to overcome any challenge on the battlefield.
Army of Faith Detachment Rule: Sacred Rites
Each ADEPTA SORORITAS unit in your army can perform up to two Acts of Faith per phase, rather than just one.
Stratagems available for the Army of Faith Detachment:
- Shield of Faith (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: When an ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army suffers a mortal wound in any phase, you can target that unit or a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS JUMP PACK unit within 3″ of it. Until the end of the phase, models in the targeted unit gain the Feel No Pain 5+ ability against mortal wounds. If you target an ADEPTA SORORITAS JUMP PACK unit, then while a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit is within 3″ of it, those models also gain the Feel No Pain 5+ ability against mortal wounds until the end of the phase.
- Light of The Emperor (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During the Command phase, select one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army. Until the end of the turn, that unit is blessed, allowing it to ignore any or all modifiers to its profile characteristics, the Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill of its weapons, and any roll or test (excluding saving throw modifiers). If the unit has the JUMP PACK keyword, any friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit within 3″ of it is also blessed until the end of the turn.
- Faith and Fury (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During the Fight phase, select one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army that has not yet been selected to fight. Until the end of the phase, melee weapons equipped by models in that unit gain the [LANCE] ability. If one or more enemy models are destroyed by your unit’s attacks this phase, you gain 1 Miracle dice.
- Blinding Radiance (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase or Fight phase, just after an enemy unit has selected its targets, choose one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army that has been targeted, or one friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS JUMP PACK unit within 3″ of that unit. Until the end of the phase, subtract 1 from the Hit roll for each attack targeting your chosen unit. If you targeted a JUMP PACK unit, while a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit is within 3″ of it, subtract 1 from the Hit roll for attacks targeting that unit as well.
- Divine Guidance (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem:During your Shooting phase or Fight phase, select one ADEPTA SORORITAS unit from your army that has not yet been chosen to shoot or fight. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, increase the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1. If any enemy models are destroyed by those attacks, you gain 1 Miracle dice.
- Angelic Descent (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: At the end of your opponent’s Fight phase, select one ADEPTA SORORITAS JUMP PACK unit from your army. Remove that unit from the battlefield and place it into Strategic Reserves. You cannot select a unit that is within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units.
Army of Faith Enhancements:
- Litanies of Faith (+10 points): CANONESS or PALATINE model only: At the start of your Command phase, if the bearer is on the battlefield, take a Leadership test for the bearer. If successful, you gain 1 Miracle dice.
- Blade of Saint Ellynor (+15 points): ADEPTA SORORITAS model only: Increase the Strength and Armour Penetration characteristics of the bearer’s melee weapons by 1, and grant those weapons the [PRECISION] ability. Additionally, each time the bearer fights and destroys one or more enemy models, you gain 1 Miracle dice.
- Divine Aspect (+5 points): ADEPTA SORORITAS model only: In your Movement phase, you can select one enemy unit within 12″ of the bearer. That unit must take a Battle-shock test, and if it fails, you gain 1 Miracle dice.
- Triptych of the Macharian Crusade (+20 points): ADEPTA SORORITAS model only: Each time the bearer uses an Act of Faith to substitute a saving throw, that saving throw is automatically successful, regardless of the value of the Miracle dice used.