The New Necrons Detachments – Review of Rules, Stratagems and Enhancements

Embark on a journey deep within the enigmatic world of the Necrons in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition. Delve into the secrets of Necrons Detachments, uncover their arcane rules and masterful stratagems. These insights will empower your gameplay, bestowing layers of strategic prowess and flexibility upon your relentless Necron forces, as you seek to conquer the galaxy.
Necrons Detachments Warhammer 40K 10th Edition
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In the universe of Warhammer 40K’s 10th Edition, Necron commanders wield a formidable array of strategic choices.

This guide is a deep exploration of the diverse Necron Detachments available to you. These Detachments encompass distinct Necron combat doctrines, each accompanied by its own set of Rules, Stratagems, and enhancements that can be strategically employed to shape the destiny of your Necron army.

By journeying through this comprehensive review of the new Necrons Detachments, you will acquire a comprehensive mastery of the Necrons strengths, equipping you with the knowledge to construct an army that aligns perfectly with your preferred tactics and battle strategies.

To fully utilize this guide, engage in thrilling missions and epic Warhammer 40K battles, ensuring you also possess the 10th Edition Necrons Codex as an essential resource. Join us as we dissect each Necron Detachment in intricate detail, unveiling the myriad possibilities that await you on the battlefield!

The list of Necrons Detachments in the 10th Edition:

No.Detachment NameSummary
1.Awakened DynastyPerfect for commanders who relish in commanding a precise and undying force, enhancing their units’ effectiveness with superior technology and strategic resurrection abilities.
2.Annihilation LegionIdeal for players who prefer an aggressive and relentless playstyle, enhancing charge capabilities and boosting combat efficiency for DESTROYER CULT and FLAYED ONES units.
3.Canoptek CourtSuited for tacticians who exploit technological superiority, focusing on zone control and precision enhancements for CRYPTEK and CANOPTEK units within the Power Matrix.
4.Obeisance PhalanxDesigned for commanders aiming for targeted destruction, this detachment enhances OVERLORD, LYCHGUARD, and TRIARCH units’ attacks against specific enemy units, favoring a methodical and devastating approach.
5.Hypercrypt LegionPerfect for strategists who value flexibility and surprise, this detachment excels in repositioning and redeploying NECRONS units, maximizing battlefield adaptability and sudden strikes.

Awakened Dynasty

Imotekh the Stormlord Model

Awaken your legions! The Awakened Dynasty Detachment is a testament to the undying might of the Necrons, a force that defies death itself.

Commanding this detachment means leading a relentless march of metal and ancient malice. Necron players who delight in overwhelming their foes with superior technology and unyielding warriors will find this detachment an ideal instrument of conquest. Deploy your undying host and watch as even the mightiest empires crumble!

The core of this detachment is its ability to enhance Hit rolls. With a NECRONS CHARACTER at the helm, each model in the unit becomes more precise and deadly in their attacks, embodying the relentless efficiency of the Necron war machine.

Awakened Dynasty Detachment Rule:

When a NECRONS CHARACTER model commands this unit, add 1 to the Hit roll each time a model in this unit attacks.

Stratagems available for the Awakened Dynasty Detachment:

  • Protocol of the Eternal Guardian (1CP) – Epic Deed Stratagem: During any phase, you can target one NECRONS INFANTRY CHARACTER model from your army that was just destroyed with this Stratagem, even though it has just been destroyed. The effect of this Stratagem allows you to set the model back up on the battlefield at the end of the phase, as close as possible to where it was destroyed and not within Engagement Range of any enemy units, with half of its starting number of wounds remaining. However, remember that each model can only be targeted with this Stratagem once per battle.
  • Protocol of the Hungry Void (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During the Fight phase, you may select one NECRONS unit from your army that has not yet been chosen to fight. The effect of this selection lasts until the end of the phase and confers two benefits. Firstly, it adds 1 to the Strength characteristic of melee weapons wielded by models in your unit. Secondly, if a NECRONS CHARACTER is leading your unit, it also improves the Armour Penetration characteristic of those melee weapons by 1. Note that this improvement to Armour Penetration is not cumulative with any other modifiers that also enhance Armour Penetration.
  • Protocol of the Conquering Tyrant (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: In your Shooting phase, you can target one NECRONS unit from your army that hasn’t been selected to shoot yet. For the duration of the phase, whenever a model in your unit attacks a target within half its range, you can re-roll a Hit roll of 1. Moreover, if your unit is led by a NECRONS CHARACTER, you gain the enhanced ability to re-roll the entire Hit roll for that attack until the phase ends.
  • Protocol of the Undying Legions (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, right after an enemy unit has finished its attacks, you may target one NECRONS unit from your army that had one or more of its models destroyed due to those attacks. The effect is that your unit activates its Reanimation Protocols, allowing it to reanimate D3 wounds. If your unit is led by a NECRONS CHARACTER, this effect is enhanced, and you can reanimate D3+1 wounds instead.
  • Protocol of the Sudden Storm (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Movement phase, you may select one NECRONS unit from your army. For the remainder of the turn, ranged weapons carried by models in your unit will gain the [ASSAULT] ability. Additionally, if your unit is under the command of a NECRONS CHARACTER, you gain the further benefit of being able to re-roll Advance rolls made for your unit until the end of the phase.
  • Protocol of the Vengeful Stars (2CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem:
    In your opponent’s Shooting phase, right after a NECRONS unit from your army is destroyed by an enemy unit, you can target one NECRONS CHARACTER unit from your army that was within 6 inches of the destroyed unit at the time. Following the attacking unit’s completed attacks, your targeted CHARACTER unit is allowed to shoot as if it were your Shooting phase. However, this retaliatory shooting must be exclusively directed at the enemy unit that destroyed the NECRONS unit, and only if that enemy unit is an eligible target.

Awakened Dynasty Enhancements:

  • Veil of Darkness (+20 points): This is exclusive to a NECRONS model and can be used only once per battle. At the end of your opponent’s turn, if the bearer’s unit is not within Engagement Range of any enemy units, the bearer has the option to activate this Enhancement. Upon activation, the unit is removed from the battlefield. Then, during the Reinforcements step of your next Movement phase, you can set up that unit again anywhere on the battlefield, provided it’s more than 9″ horizontally away from all enemy models.
  • Nether-realm Casket (+20 points): Exclusive to a NECRONS model, when the bearer is in command of a unit, models within that unit gain the Stealth ability.
  • Phasal Subjugator (Aura) (+35 points): This is exclusive to a NECRONS model. When a friendly NECRONS unit (excluding CHARACTER units) is within 6 inches of the bearer, each model in that unit receives a bonus: add 1 to the Hit roll whenever they make an attack.
  • Enaegic Dermal Bond (+15 points): NECRONS model only. The bearer gains the Feel No Pain 4+ ability.

Annihilation Legion

Flayed Ones

Embrace the fury of the Annihilation Legion, a detachment where Necron DESTROYER CULT and FLAYED ONES units become harbingers of relentless destruction. This detachment specializes in aggressive onslaughts, allowing you to re-roll and enhance charge rolls, making your forces a terrifying force in close combat.

Stratagems like Masks of Death and The Spoor of Frailty turn your warriors into elusive and precise killers, while Murderous Reanimation and Pitiless Hunters ensure your forces are relentless and ever-advancing. Blood-fuelled Cruelty and Insanity’s Ire wreak havoc behind enemy lines, punishing foes who dare retreat or engage your units.

Enhancements like Eternal Madness and Ingrained Superiority further refine your combat prowess, turning each warrior into a more lethal and resilient force. Soulless Reaper and Eldritch Nightmare embody the terror that the Annihilation Legion brings to the battlefield, making the mere presence of your units a psychological weapon.

In the Annihilation Legion, every Necron is an avatar of destruction, each battle a step towards the total obliteration of their foes.

Annihilation Legion Detachment Rule:

Whenever a DESTROYER CULT or FLAYED ONES unit from your army declares a charge, you have the option to re-roll the Charge roll. Additionally, if one or more targets of the charge are below half strength, you get to add 1 to the Charge roll too.

Stratagems available for the Annihilation Legion Detachment:

  • Masks of Death (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, right after an enemy unit selects its targets, you can choose one DESTROYER CULT or FLAYED ONES unit from your army that has been targeted by one or more attacks from the attacking unit. For the duration of the phase, subtract 1 from the Hit roll for each attack that targets your chosen unit.
  • The Spoor of Frailty (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase or the Fight phase, you can target one DESTROYER CULT or FLAYED ONES unit from your army that hasn’t yet been selected to shoot or fight. Throughout the phase, whenever a model from your unit attacks a target that is below Starting Strength, you add 1 to the Hit roll. Moreover, if the target is Below Half-strength, you also add 1 to the Wound roll.
  • Murderous Reanimation (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: In the Fight phase, you can target one DESTROYER CULT or FLAYED ONES unit from your army that has either just destroyed an enemy unit or caused an enemy unit that was not Below Half-strength to drop to Below Half-strength. When targeted, your unit’s Reanimation Protocols activate.
  • Pitiless Hunters (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: In the Fight phase, select one DESTROYER CULT or FLAYED ONES unit from your army that hasn’t been chosen to fight yet. For the duration of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes a Pile-in or Consolidation move, it can move up to 6 inches instead of the standard 3 inches.
  • Blood-fuelled Cruelty (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your opponent’s Movement phase, right after an enemy unit completes a Fall Back move, you can target one DESTROYER CULT or FLAYED ONES unit from your army that began the phase within Engagement Range of that enemy unit. Roll one D6: if it’s a 2-5, the enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; if it’s a 6, the enemy unit suffers 3 mortal wounds. After this, your unit can make a Normal move, but it must finish this move as close as possible to the enemy unit.
  • Insanity’s Ire (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, immediately after an enemy unit has finished shooting, you can select one DESTROYER CULT or FLAYED ONES unit from your army that had one or more of its models destroyed by the attacks from that enemy unit. Your selected unit is then allowed to make a Normal move, with the condition that it must end this move as close as possible to the enemy unit that attacked it.

Annihilation Legion Enhancements:

  • Eternal Madness (+25 points): This ability is designated for NECRONS models only. In the Fight phase, each time a model in the bearer’s unit is destroyed and hasn’t fought in that phase, roll one D6. On a result of 4 or higher, do not remove the destroyed model from play immediately; it is allowed to fight after the attacking model’s unit has completed its attacks. After this, the model is then removed from play.
  • Ingrained Superiority (+10 points): This is for NECRONS models only. Whenever a model in the bearer’s unit makes an attack, if it results in a Critical Wound, the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack is improved by 1.
  • Soulless Reaper (+20 points): This is applicable only to DESTROYER CULT models. Each time an enemy unit within Engagement Range of the bearer’s unit opts to Fall Back, roll one D6. If the result is 3 or higher, the enemy unit is unable to Fall Back during that phase and must Remain Stationary instead.
  • Eldritch Nightmare (+15 points): This is specific to DESTROYER CULT models. At the beginning of the Fight phase, every enemy unit within Engagement Range of the bearer is required to take a Battle-shock test.

Canoptek Court

Canoptek Wraiths

Harness the arcane control of the Canoptek Court, a detachment that wields the Necrons’ technological prowess to dominate the battlefield.

This detachment thrives on controlling strategic zones with its Power Matrix, turning the tides of war by enhancing the accuracy and lethality of CRYPTEK and CANOPTEK units within these zones.

Stratagems like Curse of the Cryptek and Cynosure of Eradication empower your forces to avenge fallen allies and deal devastating wounds, while Solar Pulse and Reactive Subroutines offer tactical flexibility and mobility. Countertemporal Shift and Suboptimal Facade provide defensive maneuvers, ensuring your units endure the onslaught of war.

Enhancements such as Dimensional Sanctum and Hyperphasic Fulcrum further augment your units’ capabilities, offering infiltration and improved attack precision. Autodivinator and Metalodermal Tesla Weave provide strategic advantages and protective measures, making the Canoptek Court a formidable and adaptive force on the battlefield.

In the Canoptek Court detachment, every battlefield becomes a controlled domain, every unit a precise instrument of war, all orchestrated by the unyielding will of the Necron overlords.

Canoptek Court Detachment Rule:

The battlefield includes zones considered within your army’s Power Matrix under these conditions:

  • Your deployment zone is perpetually within your army’s Power Matrix.
  • At the beginning of any phase, if your forces control at least half of the objective markers in No Man’s Land, then for the duration of that phase, No Man’s Land is deemed within your army’s Power Matrix.
  • Similarly, at the start of any phase, if you hold the majority of objective markers within your opponent’s deployment zone, it is considered within your army’s Power Matrix for that phase’s duration.
  • Additionally, every time a model in a CRYPTEK or CANOPTEK unit from your army makes an attack, you may re-roll a Hit roll of 1. If the unit is entirely within your army’s Power Matrix, you have the advantage of re-rolling the entire Hit roll.

Stratagems available for the Canoptek Court Detachment:

  • Curse of the Cryptek (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase or Fight phase, right after an enemy unit has shot or fought, you can target one CRYPTEK model from your army that was destroyed by the attacking unit’s attacks. You can use this Stratagem on the destroyed model. The effect lasts until the end of the battle; each time a friendly CANOPTEK model attacks the unit that destroyed the CRYPTEK, you add 1 to the Hit roll and also add 1 to the Wound roll for that attack.
  • Cynosure of Eradication (2CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: At the start of your Shooting phase or the start of the Fight phase, you can select one CRYPTEK or CANOPTEK unit from your army that is entirely within your army’s Power Matrix. For the duration of that phase, weapons carried by models in your chosen unit gain the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability.
  • Solar Pulse (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: At the start of your Shooting phase, you can target one CRYPTEK model from your army. Then, select one objective marker within 18 inches of your CRYPTEK model. Until the end of the phase, weapons carried by friendly NECRONS models will have the [IGNORES COVER] ability when they target units that are within range of that specific objective marker.
  • Reactive Subroutines (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Movement phase, right after an enemy unit completes a Normal, Advance, or Fall Back move, you can choose one CANOPTEK unit from your army that is within 9 inches of that enemy unit. As an effect, your selected unit is permitted to make a Normal move of up to 6 inches.
  • Countertemporal Shift (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, immediately after an enemy unit selects its targets, you can choose one CANOPTEK unit from your army that has been targeted by one or more attacks from the attacking unit. For the remainder of the phase, your chosen unit can only be selected as the target of a ranged attack if the attacking model is within 12 inches.
  • Suboptimal Facade (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Charge phase, right after an enemy unit declares a charge, you can target one CANOPTEK unit from your army that was chosen as a target of that charge and is completely within your army’s Power Matrix. As an effect, your unit’s Reanimation Protocols activate.

Canoptek Court Enhancements:

  • Dimensional Sanctum (+20 points): This is designated for CRYPTEK models only. Models in the bearer’s unit gain the Infiltrators ability.
  • Hyperphasic Fulcrum (+15 points): This is exclusive to CRYPTEK models. When the bearer is commanding a unit that is entirely within your army’s Power Matrix, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you have the option to re-roll a Wound roll of 1.
  • Autodivinator (+15 points): This ability is restricted to CRYPTEK models. Each time your opponent gains a Command Point (CP) due to an ability, roll one D6. If you roll a 2 or higher, you also gain 1 CP.
  • Metalodermal Tesla Weave (+10 points): This is specifically for CRYPTEK models. Once per phase, when an enemy unit selects the bearer’s unit as the target of a charge, roll one D6. If the result is between 2 and 5, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If the result is a 6, that enemy unit suffers 3 mortal wounds.

Obeisance Phalanx

Overlord with Tachyon Arrow Miniature

Step into the disciplined might of the Obeisance Phalanx, a detachment designed for precise targeting and destruction of key enemy units.

With a focus on OVERLORD, LYCHGUARD, and TRIARCH units, this detachment excels in singling out and systematically breaking down enemy forces, enhancing Wound rolls against designated targets for relentless assaults.

Stratagems like Your Time is Nigh and Enslaved Artifice demoralize your foes and amplify your warriors’ combat prowess, while Nanoassembly Protocols and Sentinels of Eternity provide resilience and vengeful strikes. Suffer No Rival and Territorial Obsession further hone your units’ combat capabilities and secure critical objectives.

Enhancements such as Honourable Combatant and Unflinching Will bring honor and precision to your OVERLORDs, while Warrior Noble and Eternal Conqueror ensure your leaders are formidable foes on the battlefield, adept at seizing and holding vital ground.

In the Obeisance Phalanx detachment, each warrior is an unyielding sentinel of the Necron empire, a testament to the enduring supremacy and tactical acumen of their ancient rulers.

Obeisance Phalanx Detachment Rule:

During your Command phase, you can select one enemy unit. From that point until the start of your next Command phase, every time an OVERLORD, LYCHGUARD, or TRIARCH unit from your army makes an attack targeting that selected enemy unit, you add 1 to the Wound roll for those attacks.

Stratagems available for the Obeisance Phalanx Detachment:

  • Your time is Nigh (1CP) – Epic Deed Stratagem: During any phase, immediately after your opponent’s WARLORD is destroyed, target your NECRONS WARLORD. For the remainder of the battle, each time an enemy unit takes a Battle-shock or Leadership test, subtract 1 from the test’s result.
  • Enslaved Artifice (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase or the Fight phase, you can select one NECRONS unit from your army (excluding TITANIC units) that hasn’t yet been chosen to shoot or fight. For the duration of that phase, each time a model in your unit makes an attack, an unmodified Hit roll of 5 or higher scores a Critical Hit.
  • Nanoassembly Protocols (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, right after an enemy unit selects its targets, you can choose one NECRONS VEHICLE unit from your army that has been targeted by one or more attacks from the attacking unit. For the remainder of the phase, each time an attack is allocated to a model in your chosen unit, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that attack.
  • Sentinels of Eternity (1CP) – Epic Deed Stratagem: In the Fight phase, just after an enemy unit selects its targets, you can target one LYCHGUARD or TRIARCH PRAETORIANS unit from your army that has been chosen as the target of one or more attacks from the attacking unit. For the duration of the phase, each time a model in your unit is destroyed before it has had a chance to fight, roll one D6. On a result of 4 or higher, don’t remove the destroyed model from play immediately. Instead, it can fight after the attacking model’s unit has completed its attacks. After fighting, the model is then removed from play.
  • Suffer no Rival (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During the Fight phase, you can choose one LYCHGUARD or TRIARCH unit from your army that hasn’t yet been selected to fight. For the remainder of the phase, melee weapons carried by models in your unit gain the [PRECISION] ability.
  • Territorial Obsession (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: In your Command phase, you can select one LYCHGUARD or TRIARCH PRAETORIANS unit from your army. Until the start of your next Command phase, add 1 to the Objective Control characteristic of models in your chosen unit. If your unit has the VEHICLE keyword, the benefit increases, and you add 3 to the Objective Control characteristic instead.

Obeisance Phalanx Enhancements:

  • Honourable Combatant (+10 points): This is specific to OVERLORD models. Each time the unit led by the bearer destroys an enemy CHARACTER unit, your opponent loses 1 Command Point (CP) if they have any remaining.
  • Unflinching Will (+20 points): This ability is exclusive to OVERLORD models. The melee weapons wielded by the bearer gain both the [PRECISION] and [ANTI-INFANTRY 5+] abilities.
  • Warrior Noble (+15 points): This ability is designated for OVERLORD models only. Each time a melee attack targets the unit led by the bearer, subtract 1 from the Hit roll for that attack.
  • Eternal Conqueror (+25 points): This is exclusive to OVERLORD models. Whenever a model in the bearer’s unit makes an attack targeting an enemy unit that is within range of an objective marker, you have the option to re-roll the Hit roll for that attack.

Hypercrypt Legion Detachment


The Hypercrypt Legion detachment epitomizes the Necrons’ mastery of repositioning and redeployment tactics. With the ability to strategically place units into reserves at the end of your opponent’s turn, this detachment is designed for players who appreciate flexibility and surprise maneuvers on the battlefield, adapting to the ebb and flow of combat with ease.

Stratagems like Hyperphasic Recall and Quantum Deflection offer your forces the ability to reposition crucial units and bolster their defenses mid-engagement.

Reanimation Crypts, Cosmic Precision, and Dimensional Corridor provide various ways to enhance the mobility and survivability of your units, ensuring they can strike precisely where and when they are needed most. Entropic Damping adds a layer of protection, especially for your larger constructs.

Enhancements such as Dimensional Overseer and Arisen Tyrant augment your strategic options and combat efficiency, while Hyperspatial Transfer Node and Osteoclave Fulcrum enhance the mobility and surprise assault capabilities of your forces.

The Hypercrypt Legion detachment transforms the battlefield into a fluid chessboard, with each move calculated to outmaneuver and outwit the enemy, making it a formidable choice for tacticians who thrive on unpredictability and control.

Hypercrypt Legion Detachment Rule:

At the end of your opponent’s turn, you have the option to select a certain number of NECRONS units from your army to place into Strategic Reserves, excluding any units that are within Engagement Range of enemy units. The maximum number of units you can choose depends on the battle size:

  • For an Incursion battle, you can select up to 2 units.
  • For a Strike Force battle, you can select up to 3 units.
  • For an Onslaught battle, you can select up to 4 units.

After making your selections, remove the chosen units from the battlefield and place them into Strategic Reserves.

Stratagems available for the Hypercrypt Legion Detachment:

  • Hyperphasic Recall (2CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, right after an enemy unit has completed its shooting or fighting, you can target one NECRONS INFANTRY unit from your army that had one or more of its models destroyed by the attacking unit’s attacks, along with one friendly MONOLITH model. As an effect, remove your INFANTRY unit from the battlefield and then redeploy it anywhere that is entirely within 6 inches of your MONOLITH model and not within Engagement Range of any enemy units.
  • Quantum Deflection (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, immediately after an enemy unit selects its targets, you can choose one NECRONS VEHICLE unit from your army that has been targeted by one or more attacks from the attacking unit. The effect lasts until the end of the phase: models in your chosen unit will have a 4+ invulnerable save.
  • Reanimation Crypts (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: In your Command phase, you can target your NECRONS WARLORD. As an effect, for each of your NECRONS units in Reserves, the Reanimation Protocols of that unit activate.
  • Cosmic Precision (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Movement phase, you can target one NECRONS unit from your army that is arriving using the Deep Strike or Hyperphasing abilities this phase. The effect allows your unit to be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 3 inches horizontally away from all enemy models. However, please note that a unit targeted with this Stratagem is not eligible to declare a charge in the same turn.
  • Dimensional Corridor (2CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Charge phase, you can target one NECRONS unit from your army that was set up on the battlefield this turn using the Eternity Gate ability of a MONOLITH model that began the turn on the battlefield. The effect of this Stratagem makes your unit eligible to declare a charge this phase.
  • Entropic Damping (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: In your opponent’s Shooting phase, right after an enemy unit has chosen its targets, you can target one TITANIC model from your army that was selected as the target of one or more attacks from the attacking unit and is within 18 inches of the attacking unit. As an effect, until the end of the phase, the weapons carried by models in the attacking unit gain the [HAZARDOUS] ability.

Hypercrypt Legion Enhancements:

  • Dimensional Overseer (+10 points): This ability is exclusive to NECRONS models. While the bearer is either on the battlefield or in Strategic Reserves, you can increase by one the number of units from your army that you’re allowed to select for the Hyperphasing rule.
  • Arisen Tyrant (+25 points): This ability is exclusive to NECRONS models. Each time a model in the bearer’s unit makes an attack, you can re-roll a Hit roll of 1. Furthermore, if the bearer’s unit was set up on the battlefield during the current turn, you have the option to re-roll the entire Hit roll for that attack.
  • Hyperspatial Transfer Node (+15 points): This is specific to NECRONS models. Each time the bearer’s unit Advances, you won’t need to make an Advance roll. Instead, for the duration of the phase, simply add 6 inches to the Move characteristic of the models in the bearer’s unit.
  • Osteoclave Fulcrum (+20 points): This ability is restricted to NECRONS models. Models in the bearer’s unit gain the Deep Strike ability.

Want to learn more?

Each Necron detachment brings its own set of ancient technologies and undying warriors to the battlefield. The latest edition of the Necrons Codex lists various detachments, each with unique abilities, dynastic codes, and tactical benefits. Understanding the nuances of these detachments is essential for harnessing the full potential of your undying legions.

Codex: Necrons - 10th Edition

Configuring Your Forces

  • Select for Synergy: Choose a detachment that amplifies the inherent strengths of your Necrons and complements your strategic approach.
  • Coordinate Your Constructs: Ensure your units within the detachment work together, utilizing their abilities to form a cohesive and unstoppable force.
  • Strategic Mastery: Employ the special rules and powerful dynastic codes of your detachment to dominate the battlefield.

Tactical Insights

  • Stay Updated: Regularly consult the latest Necrons Codex for any rules changes or new strategies.
  • Experiment and Adapt: Test various detachment compositions and tactics in different scenarios to discover the most effective combinations.
  • Understand the Battlefield: Tailor your strategy to suit the environment and the specific adversary you’re facing.

Necrons are a relentless and technologically advanced faction in Warhammer 40K. Mastering their detachments allows you to awaken the full might of your legions.

By deeply understanding each detachment’s unique characteristics, meticulously assembling your forces, and adapting to every challenge, you can march your Necrons towards inevitable victory.

So, reanimate your warriors, Overlords, and let’s reclaim the stars for the ancient Necron empire!

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