The New Adeptus Mechanicus Detachments – Review of Rules, Stratagems and Enhancements

In the 10th Edition of Warhammer 40k, the Adeptus Mechanicus introduces new detachments with unique rules, stratagems, and enhancements. Explore our in-depth review of these exciting additions to the faction, delving into their strategic possibilities and tactical advantages.
Adeptus Mechanicus Detachments - Rules, Stratagems & Enhancements
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In the vast universe of Warhammer 40K’s 10th Edition, Adeptus Mechanicus commanders command a formidable arsenal of strategic options.

This comprehensive guide offers a deep dive into the diverse Adeptus Mechanicus Detachments at your disposal in the newest edition of your favorite wargame.

Each Detachment boasts its unique set of Rules, Stratagems, and Enhancements, allowing you to tailor your Adeptus Mechanicus army to suit your preferred tactics and strategic objectives.

Be sure to have the 10th Edition Adeptus Mechanicus Codex on hand as your essential resource for unlocking the full potential of your army.

Join us as we dissect each Detachment in intricate detail, unveiling the multitude of possibilities awaiting you on the tabletop battlefield!

The list of Adeptus Mechanicus Detachments in the 10th Edition:

No.Detachment NameSummary
1.Rad-Zone CorpsDesigned for strategic area denial with early game damage. Stratagems debuff enemies and boost Skitarii mobility, while Enhancements provide tactical depth and anti-infantry/anti-monster capabilities.
2.Skitarii Hunter CohortTailored for versatile Skitarii forces, enhancing infantry, mounted, and Ironstrider Ballistarii with Stealth and Cover. Stratagems offer tactical options like Feel No Pain, Armor Penetration, charges after advancing, and more. Enhancements provide unique abilities, ideal for flexible and adaptable playstyles.
3.Data-Psalm ConclaveEnhances your CULT MECHANICUS units with Benedictions, grants tactical advantages through Stratagems, offers customization options with Enhancements and is overall a versatile and formidable force on the battlefield.
4.Explorator ManipleEmpowers ADEPTUS MECHANICUS with Acquisition objective marker, offering Wound roll re-rolls within range. Stratagems provide tactical advantages for objective control and mobility. Enhancements offer customization, improving Hit rolls and saving throws.
5.Cohort CyberneticaEquips LEGIO CYBERNETICA units with Doctrina Imperatives for tactical versatility. Stratagems offer mobility, accuracy, and defense. Cohort Cybernetica Enhancements customize damage nullification, enemy VEHICLE debuffs, and anti-vehicle ranged weapons.
Overview of the 5 Adeptus Mechanicus Detachments

Rad-Zone Corps

The Rad-Zone Corps Detachment rule introduces a unique strategic element to the battlefield, allowing you to force your opponent to choose between hiding or holding their ground in the first round, potentially causing damage to units that hold their ground.

Additionally, in subsequent rounds, the Fallout effect can inflict mortal wounds and induce Battle-shock tests on enemy units within your opponent’s starting area, making it a powerful area-denial tool.

The Stratagems available for the Rad-Zone Corps Detachment provide tactical advantages, such as reducing Wound rolls for your chosen unit with “Baleful Halo,” inflicting mortal wounds and Battle-shock tests on enemy units near objectives with “Extinction Order,” and granting extra movement to selected SKITARII units with “Aggressor Imperative.”

Furthermore, the Rad-Zone Corps Enhancements offer unique benefits, including additional dice rolls for Fallout effects with “Radial Suffusion,” the Stealth ability for units led by the bearer with “Malphonic Susurrus,” the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability for ranged weapons with “Peerless Eradicator,” and enhanced anti-infantry and anti-monster capabilities with “Autoclavic Denunciation.”


Rad-Zone Corps Detachment Rule:

Bombardment (BATTLE ROUND 1)
At the beginning of the first round of battle, your opponent must choose for each of their enemy units within their starting area to either hide or hold their ground. Then, roll a six-sided die (D6) for each enemy unit and follow these rules:

  • If the unit holds its ground: If you roll a 3, 4, 5, or 6, that unit gets hit and takes some damage (D3 mortal wounds).
  • If the unit hides: That unit becomes shocked for the rest of the round, and if you roll a 5 or 6, it also gets hit and takes some damage (D3 mortal wounds).

At the beginning of your Command phase in the second, third, fourth, and fifth rounds of battle, roll a six-sided die (D6) for each enemy unit in your opponent’s starting area. If you roll a 3, 4, 5, or 6, that unit receives 1 mortal wound and must undergo a Battle-shock test.

Stratagems available for the Rad-Zone Corps Detachment:

  • Baleful Halo (2CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During the Fight phase, right after an enemy unit picks its targets, you can choose one ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army, as long as it’s not a VEHICLE, that was chosen as the target for one or more of the enemy’s attacks. If your chosen unit is a BATTLELINE, you can also select a friendly SKITARII unit within 6 inches of it, but it can’t be a BATTLELINE unit. For the rest of the turn, whenever an attack targets your chosen unit, reduce the Wound roll by 1.
  • Extinction Order (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Command phase, choose one TECH-PRIEST model from your army and one objective marker within 24 inches of that model. Then, for each enemy unit within range of that objective marker, roll a six-sided die (D6). If you roll a 4, 5, or 6, the enemy unit takes 1 mortal wound and must undergo a Battle-shock test.
  • Aggressor Imperative (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Movement phase, select one SKITARII unit from your army that hasn’t moved yet. If this unit is a BATTLELINE, you can also choose an additional friendly SKITARII unit within 6 inches of it, but this second unit can’t be a BATTLELINE. For the duration of the phase, when any of these units Advances, you won’t need to roll to see how far they move. Instead, just add 6 inches to the movement distance of each model in those units.
  • Pre-calibrated Purge Solution (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: In your Shooting phase, pick one ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army that hasn’t shot yet. If this unit is a BATTLELINE, you can also choose a nearby friendly SKITARII unit within 6 inches of it, as long as it’s not a BATTLELINE unit. Throughout this phase, whenever a model from one of these units makes a ranged attack against a target in your opponent’s deployment zone, you can re-roll the Hit roll.
  • Lethal Dosage (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, choose one ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army that hasn’t yet been chosen to shoot. For the rest of the phase, any ranged weapons carried by models in that unit will have the [LETHAL HITS] ability.
  • Bulwark Imperative (2CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, right after an enemy unit has chosen its targets, select one SKITARII unit from your army that’s been targeted by one or more attacks. If your chosen unit is BATTLELINE, you may also pick an additional friendly SKITARII unit within 6 inches of it, provided it’s not a BATTLELINE unit. For the rest of the phase, models in these units from your army will have a 4+ invulnerable save.

Rad-Zone Corps Enhancements:

  • Radial Suffusion (+25 points): This applies to ADEPTUS MECHANICUS models only. Starting from the second battle round, whenever you’re applying the Fallout effect from the Rad-bombardment Detachment rule and the bearer is on the battlefield, you’ll roll an additional six-sided die (D6) for each enemy unit within 6 inches of your opponent’s deployment zone. This is in addition to the rolls for units that are within the deployment zone itself.
  • Malphonic Susurrus (+20 points): Applies only to ADEPTUS MECHANICUS models. When the bearer is leading a unit, all models in that unit gain the Stealth ability.
  • Peerless Eradicator (+20 points): This rule is specific to ADEPTUS MECHANICUS models. When the bearer is in command of a unit, all ranged weapons carried by models in that unit are granted the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability.
  • Autoclavic Denunciation (+15 points): This is exclusively for ADEPTUS MECHANICUS models. The ranged weapons wielded by the bearer come with the [ANTI-INFANTRY 2+] and [ANTI-MONSTER 4+] abilities.

Skitarii Hunter Cohort

The Skitarii Hunter Cohort Detachment rule provides several advantages for your SKITARII INFANTRY, SKITARII MOUNTED, and IRONSTRIDER BALLISTARII units, granting them the Stealth ability and providing the Benefit of Cover for SICARIAN units targeted by ranged attacks from more than 12 inches away.

The Stratagems available for the Skitarii Hunter Cohort Detachment offer tactical options, such as providing the Feel No Pain 5+ ability with “Bionic Endurance,” enhancing Armor Penetration with “Binharic Offence,” allowing charges after advancing with “Expedited Purge Protocol,” improving Wound rolls when no other enemy units are nearby with “Isolate and Destroy,” reducing the targeting range with “Shroud Protocols,” and placing units in Strategic Reserves with “Programmed Withdrawal.”

The Skitarii Hunter Cohort Enhancements offer further customization, including the activation of both Protector Imperative and Conqueror Imperative for a selected unit with “Cantic Thrallnet,” gaining Infiltrators and Scouts abilities with “Clandestine Infiltrator,” redeploying SKITARII INFANTRY units with “Veiled Hunter,” and granting a Normal move after firing with “Battle-sphere Uplink.”

Skitarii Vanguard
Example of Skitarii Infantry: Skitarii Vanguard Units

Skitarii Hunter Cohort Detachment Rule:

SKITARII INFANTRY, SKITARII MOUNTED, and IRONSTRIDER BALLISTARII units from your army are equipped with the Stealth ability. Additionally, whenever a SICARIAN unit from your army is targeted by a ranged attack, and the attacker is more than 12 inches away, the targeted unit receives the Benefit of Cover for that attack.

Stratagems available for the Skitarii Hunter Cohort Detachment:

  • Bionic Endurance (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting or Fight phase, right after an enemy unit has chosen its targets, you can use this ability. Pick one SICARIAN, PTERAXII, or SYDONIAN unit from your army that is being targeted by the attacking unit. Until the phase ends, your chosen unit’s models gain the Feel No Pain 5+ ability.
  • Binharic Offence (2CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: At the onset of your Shooting or Fight phase, you can activate this ability. Choose two SKITARII units from your army that haven’t been designated to shoot or fight this phase, along with one enemy unit. For the remainder of the phase, enhance the Armor Penetration attribute of weapons wielded by models in both of your units by a factor of 1. However, bear in mind that during this phase, each time a model from either of your units launches an attack, it may solely target the chosen enemy unit (provided it’s a valid target).
  • Expedited Purge Protocol (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Charge phase, you can use this ability on one SKITARII unit from your army. For the remainder of the phase, your selected unit gains the capability to declare a charge even if it previously Advanced during the same turn.
  • Isolate and Destroy (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, you can use this ability on one of the following units from your army: SICARIAN, PTERAXII, SYDONIAN, IRONSTRIDER BALLISTARII, or SKITARII MOUNTED, provided it hasn’t already been chosen to shoot this phase. Until the phase concludes, when a model in your selected unit makes an attack, and there are no other enemy units within 6″ of the target of that attack, add 1 to the Wound roll.
  • Shroud Protocols (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, immediately after an enemy unit has chosen its targets, you may use this ability on one SKITARII INFANTRY unit from your army that was designated as a target for the enemy’s attacks. Until the phase concludes, your unit can only be picked as the target of a ranged attack if the attacking model is within a 12″ distance.
  • Programmed Withdrawal (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: At the conclusion of your opponent’s Fight phase, you can use this Stratagem on up to two SICARIAN units from your army, or alternatively, on one SKITARII INFANTRY or SKITARII MOUNTED unit from your army. When you activate this Stratagem, those chosen units are removed from the battlefield and placed into Strategic Reserves, but it’s important to note that each unit you target with this Stratagem must be positioned more than 3″ away from all enemy units.

Skitarii Hunter Cohort Enhancements:

  • Cantic Thrallnet (+25 points): SKITARII MARSHAL model only. At the beginning of each battle round, you can choose one friendly SKITARII unit within 12 inches of the bearer. Until the beginning of the next battle round, both the Protector Imperative and the Conqueror Imperative will be active for the selected unit.
  • Clandestine Infiltrator (+20 points): This rule applies exclusively to SKITARII models. Both the bearer and models in any unit they are leading gain the Infiltrators and Scouts 6″ abilities.
  • Veiled Hunter (+20 points): This rule is exclusive to the SKITARII MARSHAL model. After both players have finished deploying their armies and decided who will take the first turn, you can choose up to three SKITARII INFANTRY units from your army to redeploy. During this redeployment, you can place any of these units into Strategic Reserves, even if you already have the maximum number of units in Strategic Reserves.
  • Battle-sphere Uplink (+30 points): This rule is for SKITARII models only. During your Shooting phase, after the bearer’s unit has fired and if it’s not within Engagement Range of any enemy units, the unit can make a Normal move of up to 6 inches. If the unit moves in this way, it cannot declare a charge for the rest of the turn.

Data-Psalm Conclave

Data-Psalm Conclave Detachment

The Data-Psalm Conclave Detachment Rule allows you to choose one of the Benedictions of the Omnissiah at the beginning of the first battle round, which remains active for all CULT MECHANICUS units in your army until the end of the battle.

These Benedictions provide unique advantages, such as increasing the Armor Penetration of ranged attacks within half the weapon’s range with “Panegyric Procession” and adding Strength and Attacks to melee weapons after a Charge move with “Citation in Savagery.”

The Stratagems available for the Data-Psalm Conclave Detachment offer tactical options, including granting Feel No Pain against mortal wounds with “Incantation of the Iron Soul,” adding 1 to the Wound roll during the Fight phase with “Chant of the Remorseless Fist,” allowing destroyed models to fight after the attacking unit’s attacks with “Verse of Vengeance,” imposing penalties to the Hit roll with “Tribute of Emphatic Veneration,” inflicting mortal wounds during the Shooting phase with “Litany of the Electromancer,” and providing a 4+ invulnerable save during the opponent’s Shooting phase with “Luminescent Blessing.”

The Data-Psalm Conclave Enhancements offer customization options, such as improving Leadership and removing Battle-shock with “Mechanicus Locum,” reducing attack damage to 1 with “Mantle Of the Gnosticarch,” activating an additional Benediction of the Omnissiah with “Data-blessed Autosermon,” and granting the Fights First ability with “Temporcopia.”

Tech-Priest Dominus

Data-Psalm Conclave Detachment Rule:

At the beginning of the first battle round, choose one of the Benedictions of the Omnissiah to activate for all CULT MECHANICUS units in your army. This chosen benediction will remain active until the end of the battle.

  • Panegyric Procession
    Every time a CULT MECHANICUS model from your army carries out a ranged attack against a unit within half its weapon’s range, increase the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1.
  • Citation in Savagery
    Every time a CULT MECHANICUS unit from your army is chosen to fight and it made a Charge move in the same turn, add 1 to both the Strength and Attacks characteristics of melee weapons carried by models in that unit for the rest of the phase.

Stratagems available for the Data-Psalm Conclave Detachment:

  • Incantation of the Iron Soul (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During any phase, right after you allocate a mortal wound to a CULT MECHANICUS model from your army, the effect targets that CULT MECHANICUS model’s unit. For the remainder of that phase, models in your unit will have the Feel No Pain 4+ ability specifically against mortal wounds.
  • Chant of the Remorseless Fist (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During the Fight phase, choose one CULT MECHANICUS unit from your army that hasn’t been selected to fight in this phase. For the rest of the phase, each time a CULT MECHANICUS model in your unit makes a melee attack, add 1 to the Wound roll.
  • Verse of Vengeance (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During the Fight phase, right after an enemy unit chooses its targets, select one CULT MECHANICUS unit from your army that was targeted by one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks. Until the end of the phase, each time a CULT MECHANICUS model in your unit is destroyed before it has had a chance to fight, roll a D6. On a roll of 4 or more, don’t remove the destroyed model from play immediately. Instead, the destroyed model can fight after the attacking unit has completed its attacks. After fighting, it is then removed from play.
  • Tribute of Emphatic Veneration (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: At the start of your Movement phase, choose one CULT MECHANICUS unit from your army and one enemy unit within 18 inches of it. The targeted enemy unit must take a Battle-shock test. If it fails this test, then until the start of your next Command phase, subtract 1 from the Hit roll each time a model in that enemy unit makes an attack.
  • Litany of the Electromancer (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, select one CULT MECHANICUS unit from your army. Then, for each enemy unit within 6 inches of one or more CULT MECHANICUS models in your chosen unit, roll a D6. If the CULT MECHANICUS model is an ELECTRO-PRIEST, add 1 to the roll. On a result of 5 or more, the enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
  • Luminescent Blessing (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, right after an enemy unit has chosen its targets, select one CULT MECHANICUS unit from your army that has been targeted by one or more of the attacking unit’s attacks. For the rest of the phase, models in your chosen CULT MECHANICUS unit will have a 4+ invulnerable save.

Data-Psalm Conclave Enhancements:

  • Mechanicus Locum (+10 points): This rule is exclusive to TECH-PRIEST models. The bearer has a Leadership characteristic of 6+. Additionally, once per battle, at the beginning of any phase, you can choose one friendly CULT MECHANICUS unit within 12 inches of the bearer that is Battle-shocked. The selected unit will no longer be considered Battle-shocked.
  • Mantle Of the Gnosticarch (+15 points): This rule applies solely to TECH-PRIEST models. Every time an attack is directed at the bearer, the Damage characteristic of that attack is changed to 1.
  • Data-blessed Autosermon (+20 points): This rule is exclusive to TECH-PRIEST models. Once during the battle, at the beginning of your Command phase, you can choose a Benediction of the Omnissiah that you did not select at the start of the first battle round. Until the start of your next Command phase, that Benediction of the Omnissiah will be active for the bearer’s unit in addition to the one already active for your army.
  • Temporcopia (+25 points): This rule is specific to TECH-PRIEST models. The unit led by the bearer gains the Fights First ability.

Explorator Maniple

Explorator Maniple Detachment

The Explorator Maniple Detachment Rule allows you to choose one objective marker at the beginning of your Command phase, designating it as your Acquisition objective marker.

Until the start of your next Command phase, whenever an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS model from your army makes an attack, you can re-roll a Wound roll of 1 if the model’s unit is within range of your Acquisition objective marker or if the target of the attack is within range of your Acquisition objective marker.

The Stratagems available for the Explorator Maniple Detachment offer strategic options, including keeping control of an objective marker even if your unit is destroyed with “Cached Acquisition,” increasing Consolidation move distance with “Priority Reclamation,” designating an additional objective marker as your Acquisition objective marker with “Infoslave Skull,” improving Wound rolls with “Auto-oracular Retrieval,” granting Stealth and Benefit of Cover with “Incense Exhausts,” and allowing a unit to embark within a TRANSPORT with “Reactive Safeguard.”

The Explorator Maniple Enhancements provide customization choices, such as gaining Command Points with “Magos,” granting a 4+ invulnerable save with “Genetor,” boosting Hit rolls with “Logis,” and modifying Hit rolls, Wound rolls, or saving throws to unmodified 6 with “Artisan.”

Skorpius Dunerider

Explorator Maniple Detachment Rule:

At the beginning of your Command phase, choose one objective marker. Until the start of your next Command phase, this marker becomes your Acquisition objective marker. Whenever an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS model from your army makes an attack, if the model’s unit is within range of your Acquisition objective marker, or if the target of the attack is within range of your Acquisition objective marker, you can re-roll a Wound roll of 1.

Stratagems available for the Explorator Maniple Detachment:

  • Cached Acquisition (1CP) – Epic Deed Stratagem: During any phase, if an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army was just destroyed while within range of an objective marker you controlled, you can use this Stratagem on that unit, even though it was just destroyed. The effect is that the objective marker will remain under your control, even if you have no models within range of it, until your opponent takes control of it at the start or end of any turn.
  • Priority Reclamation (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During the Fight phase, just before an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army begins to Consolidate, you can target that unit. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes a Consolidation move, it can move up to 6 inches instead of the usual 3 inches, but only if the unit ends that Consolidation move within range of your Acquisition objective marker. However, you cannot use this Stratagem on a unit if it is within 3 inches of one or more enemy units.
  • Infoslave Skull (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your Command phase, choose one TECH-PRIEST model from your army and one objective marker within 24 inches of that model, excluding your Acquisition objective marker. Until the start of your next Command phase, that objective marker will also be considered one of your Acquisition objective markers for all rules purposes.
  • Auto-oracular Retrieval (2CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Shooting phase, target one ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army that disembarked from a TRANSPORT this turn. For the rest of the phase, each time a model in your unit makes a ranged attack targeting an enemy unit within range of your Acquisition objective marker, add 1 to the Wound roll.
  • Incense Exhausts (1CP) – Wargear Stratagem: During your opponent’s Shooting phase, right after an enemy unit has chosen its targets, select one ADEPTUS MECHANICUS INFANTRY unit from your army that was targeted by one or more of the enemy’s attacks. Also, choose a friendly ADEPTUS MECHANICUS SMOKE unit within 6 inches of it. Until the end of the phase, both of these units will have the Stealth ability and the Benefit of Cover.
  • Reactive Safeguard (2CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your opponent’s Charge phase, right after an enemy unit has declared a charge, you can target one ADEPTUS MECHANICUS INFANTRY unit from your army that’s within range of your Acquisition objective marker and was chosen as a target of that charge. Also, select one friendly ADEPTUS MECHANICUS TRANSPORT. The effect is that your targeted unit can embark within that TRANSPORT. However, there are restrictions. Every model in your unit must be within 3 inches of the TRANSPORT, and the TRANSPORT must have enough capacity to embark the entire unit.

Explorator Maniple Enhancements:

  • Magos (+15 points): This rule is specific to TECH-PRIEST models. At the conclusion of your Command phase, if the bearer is within range of your Acquisition objective marker, roll one D6. If you roll a 4 or higher, you gain 1 Command Point.
  • Genetor (+25 points): This rule applies exclusively to TECH-PRIEST models. While the bearer is leading a unit that is within range of your Acquisition objective marker, models in that unit gain a 4+ invulnerable save.
  • Logis (+20 points): For TECH-PRIEST models only, when the bearer leads a unit, models in that unit gain a +1 bonus to their Hit rolls when making attacks against units within range of your Acquisition objective marker.
  • Artisan (+15 points): Exclusive to TECH-PRIEST models, when the bearer is leading a unit within range of your Acquisition objective marker, once per phase, you have the ability to modify the result of one Hit roll, one Wound roll, or one saving throw made for that unit to an unmodified 6.

Cohort Cybernetica

Cohort Cybernetica Detachment

The Cohort Cybernetica Detachment Rule grants your army’s LEGIO CYBERNETICA units access to the Doctrina Imperatives army rule, providing tactical flexibility.

The Stratagems available for the Cohort Cybernetica Detachment offer various strategic options, including increasing movement with “Motive Imperative,” enhancing accuracy and ignoring cover with “Auto-divinatory Targeting,” improving attack rolls with “Machine Spirit Resurgent,” enabling shooting after Falling Back and ignoring modifiers with “Machine Superiority,” activating both Conqueror Imperative and Protector Imperative with “Transcendent Cogitation,” and granting a Feel No Pain save against mortal wounds with “Benevolence of the Omnissiah.”

The Cohort Cybernetica Enhancements provide customization choices, such as activating “Necromechanic” to nullify damage from failed saving throws, using “Lord of Machines” to debuff enemy VEHICLE units’ Hit rolls, utilizing “Emotionless Clarity” to automatically inflict mortal wounds from Deadly Demise, and enhancing ranged weapons with the “[ANTI-VEHICLE 4+]” ability using “Arch-Negator.”

Sydonian Skatros Model

Cohort Cybernetica Detachment Rule:

Your army’s LEGIO CYBERNETICA units gain access to the Doctrina Imperatives army rule.

Stratagems available for the Cohort Cybernetica Detachment:

  • Motive Imperative (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: During your Command phase, select one ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VEHICLE unit from your army. Until the start of your next Command phase, models in that unit have their Move characteristic increased by 3 inches, and you also add 1 to Advance and Charge rolls made for that unit.
  • Auto-divinatory Targeting (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: In your Command phase, choose one LEGIO CYBERNETICA or ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VEHICLE unit from your army and one objective marker. Until the start of your next Command phase, models in your selected unit have a Ballistic Skill characteristic of 3+ and gain the [IGNORES COVER] ability, but they can only target units within range of the objective marker you chose.
  • Machine Spirit Resurgent (1CP) – Epic Deed Stratagem: During your Command phase, select one LEGIO CYBERNETICA or ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VEHICLE unit from your army that currently has fewer models than its Starting Strength. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you have the option to re-roll the Hit roll. If your unit is Below Half-strength, you can also re-roll the Wound roll in addition to the Hit roll.
  • Machine Superiority (1CP) – Epic Deed Stratagem: In your Command phase, choose one LEGIO CYBERNETICA or ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VEHICLE unit from your army. Until the end of the turn, your selected unit is eligible to shoot even in a turn in which it Fell Back, and you have the ability to ignore any or all modifiers to its characteristics, as well as any modifiers to rolls or tests made for it (excluding modifiers to saving throws).
  • Transcendent Cogitation (1CP) – Strategic Ploy Stratagem: During your Command phase, select one LEGIO CYBERNETICA or ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VEHICLE unit from your army. Until the start of your next Command phase, both the Conqueror Imperative and the Protector Imperative are active for your selected unit.
  • Benevolence of the Omnissiah (1CP) – Battle Tactic Stratagem: In your Command phase, choose one LEGIO CYBERNETICA or ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VEHICLE unit from your army. Until the start of your next Command phase, models in your selected unit gain the Feel No Pain 6+ ability, and this is improved to Feel No Pain 5+ specifically against mortal wounds.

Cohort Cybernetica Enhancements:

  • Necromechanic (+25 points): TECH-PRIEST models have the ability to use this Enhancement once per battle round. When a saving throw made for a friendly LEGIO CYBERNETICA or ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VEHICLE model within 12 inches of the bearer fails, the bearer can activate this enhancement. When activated, the Damage characteristic of the attack that caused the failed saving throw is changed to 0.
  • Lord of Machines (+20 points): This ability is exclusive to TECH-PRIEST models. Once per turn, at the beginning of your opponent’s Shooting phase, you can choose one enemy VEHICLE unit that is within 12 inches of the bearer and is visible to them. The selected enemy VEHICLE unit must then take a Leadership test. If the test is successful, until the end of the phase, subtract 1 from the Hit roll each time a model in that unit makes an attack. If the test is failed, the unit is not eligible to shoot during this phase.
  • Emotionless Clarity (+10 points): Exclusively for TECH-PRIEST models, once per turn, when a friendly LEGIO CYBERNETICA or ADEPTUS MECHANICUS VEHICLE model with the Deadly Demise ability within 12 inches of the bearer is destroyed, the bearer can activate this Enhancement. When activated, you no longer need to roll to determine if any mortal wounds are inflicted due to that model’s Deadly Demise ability. Instead, mortal wounds are automatically inflicted.
  • Arch-Negator (+15 points): This enhancement is specific to TECH-PRIEST models. Ranged weapons equipped by the bearer gain the [ANTI-VEHICLE 4+] ability, indicating their effectiveness against vehicles.

Harnessing the Might of Adeptus Mechanicus Detachments

Each Adeptus Mechanicus detachment brings its unique array of technological marvels and doctrinal tactics, from enhanced data-tethers to devastating weaponry arrays.

The 10th Edition AdMech Codex reveals 5 detachments each harboring its exclusive tech-priest rites and cybernetic enhancements. Understanding these intricacies is crucial to dominate the battlefield with the Machine God’s blessing.

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus - 10th Edition

Optimizing Your War Cohort

  • Precision Deployment: Choose a detachment that harmonizes with your strategy and the mechanical might of your cohorts.
  • Tech-Harmony: Coordinate your units within the detachment, ensuring each serves the Omnissiah and enhances collective warfare efficiency.
  • Cogitation Overdrive: Employ the unique doctrines and machine blessings of your detachment to outthink and outlast your adversaries.

Tactical Cogitations

  • Remain Updated: Constantly refer to the 10th edition of the Adeptus Mechanicus Codex for the latest in sacred schematics and tactical doctrines.
  • Trial and Error: Test various configurations and tactical programs to discover what yields the highest rate of success against diverse enemies.
  • Adapt Mechanically: Modify your tactics according to the battlefield’s topography and the nature of your foe.

The Adeptus Mechanicus is a formidable force in Warhammer 40K, and mastering their detachments is essential for any Tech-Priest aspiring to victory. By delving into the depths of each detachment’s potential, customizing your forces for optimal synergy, and adapting with precision to the whims of war, you can lead your legions of steel and circuitry to overwhelming triumph.

So, synchronize your data-tethers, Magos, and let’s march forth for the glory of the Omnissiah!

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